Search feature

The careers site has a job "SEARCH" feature. Please note that this feature may be labelled differently on this careers site, and will show the search options the employer has selected (e.g. Expertise, Locations etc).



Keyword search

To use the "Keyword" search:


  1. In the Keyword field, type in the word you would like to search for (e.g. "sports"):

  2. Make any other search selections (if applicable).
  3. Click the "Search" button.
  4. Your search results will appear:

  5. Click on any job title in the search results to review the job details.


Other search options

Directly after the "Keyword" field are other search options. Please note that the search options available will vary depending on the selections the employer has made (e.g. Expertise, Locations etc):

  1. Click on the + symbol to show the values available for selection:

  2. Select the most applicable value(s) for your search:

  3. Click the "Ok" button to return to the search box.
  4. Make any other search selections (if applicable).
  5. Click the "Search" button to run your search
  6. Your search results will appear.


Show all jobs

To see all open jobs that are available to you on this careers site:

  1. Click on the "Show all jobs" link:

  2. The search results will include all the open jobs that are available to you on this careers site.
  3. Click on any job title in the search results to review the job details.

"show advanced"

To see all of the search options available on this careers site, click the "show advanced" link. Please note that the additional search options available will vary depending on the selections the employer has made (e.g. Job level):


TIP: Use the "hide advanced" link to hide the additional search options again.

If you are still having issues locating the role that you are interested in, we would recommend that you get in contact with the recruitment team of the organisation you wish to apply to. Their contact details can be found on the careers page.