If you've been experiencing problems recording or saving your voice message in response to a Soundbite question or you receive the following error message "Sorry, your recording is not complete. Please try again." then please ensure that you check the following: 

1) You dial the area code that corresponds to where you live (eg 09, 04 etc) before entering the phone number; if you are calling from outside of New Zealand, then you will need to add the country code first (eg. 0064 and drop the 0 from the area code)

2) Leave the question up and visible on your computer screen;

3) If you have tried several times, check that the access code hasn't changed;

4) Each time you call you should use the new access code provided - refresh the page to receive the new code;

5) After leaving your voice message, press the "#" key;

6) Wait for the person’s voice to say goodbye before hanging up before clicking on "I've finished recording";

7) Try using a mobile phone if you continue to have trouble;

Invalid Access Code

If you have left the page (for whatever reason) while trying to complete your voice message, the access code displayed on the page may be invalid. Simply refresh the page you are currently on and then use the new access code that is displayed. Please note that if you have any unsaved information displayed on the page when you refresh, that information will be erased. 

If the following steps do not work for you, please contact SnapHire candidate support for further assistance.